Gas flaring is a significant polluter
Oil depressurizes on the surface into liquids and gas (primarily methane) in oil extraction. Gas is worth less than oil by volume and is more difficult to transport, so most oil companies consider the gas a cost center. If the oilfield is located close to population centers, it might be economically feasible to build pipelines and transport the gas for usage as electricity or heating. But in many oil drilling locations, this is not the case. The oil producer then chooses to dispatch the gas in the most cost-effective way, which is simply burning the gas in a process called gas flaring.Gas flaring emitted more than 500 megatons of CO2 equivalents in 2020.35 Assuming a typical car emits about 4.6 tons of carbon dioxide per year, emissions from gas flaring equate to that of more than 100 million cars. In comparison, generating the electricity used by the Bitcoin mining industry emitted 41 megaton CO2 in 2021 – only 8% that of gas flaring.Preview

Bitcoin mining can help mitigate natural gas flaring
Bitcoin mining is emerging as the superior technology for reducing natural gas flaring. Flaring exists due to difficulties in taking natural gas to the market, but bitcoin mining solves this problem by taking the market to the natural gas. How does it work?The previously flared natural gas is pumped into a generator, where it is burned inside a controlled environment to produce electricity. This electricity is then used to power machines that produce bitcoin. The income from the bitcoin mining operation is used to finance the infrastructure.Preview