19 Sep 2023

DeFi Simplified - Let The Pros Do It For You

In this week's Navigating Narratives, our DeFi analyst David Zimmerman shows you how you can outsource your DeFi trading to proven altcoin traders - in a fully trustless manner.
defi simplified cover SVG
Holding an altcoin spot that can go 100x is fun, but there is much more to DeFi that an on-chain trader should be utilizing. In last week's Navigating Narratives, we covered how DeFi traders can navigate more than booming bull markets with new DeFi protocols. But what if you don't have time to learn DeFi and be active day-in and day-out? What if you wish to put your crypto holdings to work and earn some fees/yield, but don't have the time to manage your LP positions? What if you simply want some skin in the game but don't have time to plan/execute trades? Fortunately, the market is developing more solutions which enable you to outsource these efforts and create a smoother experience for DeFi users.This article focuses on two types of projects that will make a DeFi user's life easier and more profitable, by:
  • Outsourcing Short-Term Trading (increasing profitability by letting more profitable traders manage some portion of funds)
  • Increasing Profitability as a Liquidity Provider (DeFi's dirty little secret is that LPing is often unprofitable)
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