21 May 2024

Sonic Boom - Fantom Revamp

Fantom seeks to recapture the attention of crypto natives with a massive network upgrade.
nn may 22 cover image
  • Fantom is nearly set to go through its biggest network upgrade yet - Sonic. Purportedly, the new network will process 2,000 TPS with sub-second finality
  • Along with many others, Fantom was decimated by the ‘21-’22 bear, and this network upgrade is a big effort to regain market share
  • The Fantom Foundation provided an update on the development of Sonic over the weekend. Key details included (i) a proposal for a direct swap of $FTM to Sonic’s $S at a 1:1 ratio, (ii) a proposal for the minting of $S for airdrop and growth programs, (iii) a 9-figure war chest to fund growth efforts such as marketing and business development
  • We outline our bull and bear case for the highly anticipated network upgrade.
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