Our new cryptocurrency trading platform is now open. Start trading now!

Disrupting Crypto Trading in the Nordics

Superior pricing, deep liquidity and direct bank transfers. Fully regulated and audited in Norway, serving the European market.


Why choose K33?

Make informed decisions, enter the market with our Norwegian-based brokerage, and invest safely in our managed fund for the long term.

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Reuters, financial times, forbes, bloomberg, coinbase
Reuters, financial times, forbes, bloomberg, coinbase
Trade with conviction

Trade with conviction

Get in and out of the market in seconds, regardless of order size. As a brokerage, we ensure efficient and reliable execution of both small and large orders with market-leading rates.

Don't waste fees on expensive currency exchange. Deposit, trade against, and withdraw in a range of fiat currencies including NOK, SEK, DKK, EUR, CHF, GBP and USD. As a Norwegian-based brokerage, we're experts on the Nordic market and currencies.

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Secure your wealth

Establish your digital assets investment strategy guided by our experts.

We provide personalized investment solutions, including advice, bespoke portfolio creation, and curated funds for long-term growth. Our fully regulated service provides safe market exposure.

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Secure your wealth
Trade with conviction

Make smarter decisions

Gain an edge in the ever-changing crypto landscape. Save time, reduce risk, and make smarter decisions in the crypto market.

We offer research tailor for tailored for professional investors and institutional clients. Subscribe to K33 Research Pro now and take the first step toward mastering the crypto market.

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Navigate the digital assets space safely with access to our industry leading research and 1-on-1 realtime support and advisory service.


We are fully regulated and offer segregated client accounts. In addition, we leverage best in class protocols and software to safeguard all assets.

Digital Assets

Our experts have been in the industry since 2012 and know how to navigate. With our research in hand, you will know what is happening and what it means so that you can take advantage of investment and trading opportunities.

Safe. Secure. Digital Assets.

Secure. Digital Assets. Safe.